Paint Brushes

The Process

Lifelong Artist

When people ask me, "How long have you been an artist?" my usual answer is, "Since 2013." But in truth, I feel like I’ve always been an artist at heart.

Inspiration from the Past

I was fortunate to know my great-grandmother, an oil painter who lived to the remarkable age of 98. Her paintings filled my grandparents' house, and I would spend hours gazing at them, captivated by the colours, the brushstrokes, the movement. Even as a child, I dreamed of creating art just like hers.

Early Struggles

During my early school years, I struggled with processing information. Following instructions and completing tasks felt like mountains I had to climb. I needed extra help, especially in secondary school, but I never lost my desire to create.

A Discovery in Design

Encouraged by teachers who saw my potential, I pursued graphic design at university, where I developed skills in typography, design, and colour theory. It was a creative outlet, though not quite the same as painting.

The Corporate Grind

After university, I worked for the London Fire Brigade’s Creative Services Department before moving to an online marketing company in 2005. At first, I worked on logo files, but soon I found myself doing less design and more technical work—coding, Javascript, HTML. Eventually, I transitioned into account management, where I learned a lot about client relations and communication. But the stress of the job wore me down, and many nights I would come home in tears, exhausted and unfulfilled.

A life Changing Decision

In 2013, something inside me shifted—it was like a tidal wave crashing over me. Suddenly, I had to create again. I started taking painting lessons after work, without even realizing how much I needed it. What began as a small step turned into a life-altering decision. Painting reignited my passion, boosted my confidence, and reminded me that art was my true calling. I knew from that moment on, I would never stop creating, no matter what!

So where am I now?

Here I stand—proud, confident, unafraid to be seen, and (hopefully) inspiring others along the way.

Rebecca xx


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